
Showing posts from December, 2017

Pitta: Fire and Water

        According to Ayurveda imbalance doshas causes disease. If our diet is wrong there is no rule of medicine and If our diet and lifestyle i s right there is no need of medicine. So we have to take our diet according to  our dosh body type. To know what type of dosha you might be, read our previous article on Doshas To check your Body Dosha, click here         Pitta is composed of fire and little amount of water. Qualities of pitta are Hot, sharp , irritating, fast , constant weight, slightly oily, Pushy. Pitta people in balance state:  People with Pitta  are medium muscular build   idealists,  energetic, organised , solid  . They have ability to be good boss or good leaders.  They are short tempered .  Their skin is warm and radiant They are cheerful ,they have  good  digestion Pitta people in imbalance state  An uncomfortable feeling of heat in the body. An occurrence of acute inflammation and swelling in the body. Appearance of blemi